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The Companies have redefined themselves as.....
1. INFOSYS: Inferior Offline Systems
2. WIPRO: Weak Input, Poor & Rubbish Output
3. HCL: Hidden Costs & Losses
4. TCS: Totally Confusing Solutions
5. C-DOT: Coffee During Office Timings
6. HUGHES: Highly Useless Graduates Hired for Eating and Sleeping
7. BAAN: Beggars Association And Nerds
8. IBM: Implicitly Boring Machines
9. SATYAM: Sad And Tired Yelling Away Madly
10. PARAM: Puzzled And Ridiculous Array of Microprocessors
11. HP: Hen Pecked
12. AT & T: All Troubles & Terrible
13. CMC: Coffee, Meals and Comfort
14. DEC: Drifting and Exhausted Computers
15. BFL: Brainwash First and Let them go
16. DELL: Deplorable Equipment and Lack Luster
17. TISL: Totally Inconsistent Systems Limited
18. PSI: Peculiar Symptoms of India
19. PCL: Poor Computers Limited
20. SPARC: Simply Poor And Redundant Computers
21. SUN: Surely Useless Novelties
22. CRAY: Cry Repeatedly After An Year
23. TUL: Troubles Un Limited
24 CTS: Coffee Tea and Snacks
25. ICIM: Impossible Computers In Maintenance
26. BPL: Below Poverty Line
27. NIIT: Not Interested in


ICICI : Incredible Calls from Irate Customers of India


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